
Corporate Vision

Our company is taking a different approach to the production and consumption cycle for products in contemporary society, by focusing on re-creating waste into something that can be used again. Our aim is to extend the life of a finite resource by transforming it into another product after it would normally be considered useless or expired. By taking a waste product and creating something new that has a use in everyday life, we reduce the need to exploit fresh material from the environment. Helping to preserve what remains of our environment is a central vision driving our business activities.
Not only do we decrease the burden on the environment by extracting virgin resources, we can also help reduce the problems arising from having to dispose of waste. This allows people to live in a cleaner and less congested environment, as well as taking pressure off the land and sea, that are so often used as dumping grounds for the things we no longer need or can use. Moreover, it also enables producers and communities to extend the profitability of their activities, by earning income from the waste they would normally only discard, or pay to have disposed.

Who We Are

Frontiers International is a small, yet dynamic company that has a global vision for its activities. Our company is able to identify potential profitable sources of waste around the world because the company draws upon a network of human relationships built upon decades of international business activity. However, simply identifying waste is not enough. We draw on an extensive network of scientific and technological expertise in Japan, and from around the world, bringing together lateral-thinking people focused on creating new and unique uses for byproduct, and turning these ideas into useful, and attractive products for the business and consumer markets.

Our primary vehicle for generating product ideas is the World Eco-Food Think Tank. This is an umbrella organization, coordinated by Frontiers International, which brings together specialist and research expertise from diverse industrial and retail backgrounds. Most activity, however, takes place in smaller ad hoc groups with common or complimentary interests and experiences that form around particular waste resources when the need arises. Drawing upon their expertise, these small groups work in a focused and efficient way to quickly identify potential products and applications for waste resources. Creating focused research clusters from an overarching network, gives Frontiers International the ability to be fast moving and flexible, while still being connected to an extensive network with all of its marketing and distribution potential.

At the core of the Frontiers International corporate philosophy is a strong belief that we must be making a contribution to our society, environment, and the future of the entire planet. The problems are many, but we aim to have a positive effect on the world by creatively using waste products enhance the quality of life for people, and helping to reduce the burden on our environment.

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